Thursday, February 2, 2012

Entirely Inappropriate 

Z: "I hope a hundred monkeys throw poop at you until you die from it"
Me: "I'm going to jam human shit into a potato gun. Ram the tube up your ass and give you a super shit enema"
Z: "I will run a years worth of Biggie's shit through a garbage disposal, load it onto as many dump trucks as it takesand fill your entire house with it as you sleep"
Me: "I'm going to tie you up by your feet and hang you upside down over a vat of AIDS infested African sewage. Every hour I am going to prop you head first into AIDS shit"

Z: "I will pay for lipo suction for everyone who works at waffle house and then throw you into a tank of negro fat with a pair of water wings"
Me: "I will take a blood sample from every AIDS patient in South Africa and pump it into your veins while you sleep"
Z: "I will paralyze you and then cast a toilet around your face and then put it in the biggest loser women's locker room"
Me: "I will take the Placenta from all of the new births at the hospital and have it pumped into your water pipes so it shoots out on you while you are in the shower."
Z: "I will dress you up as uncle sam and drop you into the middle of Iraq"
Me: "I'll dress you up like a pre teen girl and make you deliver cookies to all of the registered sex offenders in California."
Z: "I will spray grizzly bear sex hormone all over your pants and drop you in Alaska"
Me: "I'll pour tequila all over you and drop you in the middle of a mariachi convention."
Z: "I will paint your dick yellpw and throw you into the gorilla exhibit at the zoo"
Me: "I'm just going to stab you with every used needle I can find on the streets of New York."
Z: "I will start a fire ant farm in your scrotum"

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